Hello, My Name Is

Usman Zeb


About Me


I am a recent CS grad currently working as a React Native developer who also have keen interests in AI and quantum computing. From childhood, I loved electronic games, which today lead to my fascination with computers, while most of my friends at that time were into social gatherings and talk. It was partly due to my social anxiety and partly due to my mind always absorbed in the complexities of computers. I used to (which I am still) be the quiet person in the group conversations. My very first solid interaction with a computer was when my brother bought a Pentium computer to which he used to allocate some time for me to use. As obvious, I mostly used to play games on it, but it caught my thought as to how the game worked which usually wandered me lost.

I love exploring the different domains of computer science, but lately Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has caught my eye as it can literally shape the future. What interests me of AGI is that it has high potentials of able to develop another fully consciouss sentient being in the near future. Some might see this as a danger to human existence, but I believe that possibility is yet far-fetched as the current outputs of the neural networks are quite deterministic.Aside from my interests in technology, I enjoy hiking and travelling to mountaneous regions.