

I worked on numerous different kinds of projects whether it be academic or out of pure curiousity and passion. Below are some of the projects along with their github repository links.

Go Chat

A native java android application developed as part of CS326 — Mobile Computing course project. Google Firebase was utilized as a backend and implements major chatting features like cloud message notifications, real-time chatting indicator, and user authentication via FirebaseUI.


Re Social

A cross-platform hybrid application developed in Flutter as part of CS325 — Software Engineering course project. The app allows users to chat with each other within their specified range via GPS. Furthermore, AI recommendations based on similar tendencies like traits and likings allow different people to connect. The technologies used for its backend were Google Firebase with GCP for location tracking and a TensorFlow AI model served as REST API on Django was used for the recommendations



The game was made as a part of my CS112 Lab project using SFML library in C++


Monster Chase

A 2D Unity game developed during my learning process of the engine.


Framework-less Website

As my CS121 project I utilized nothing but pure HTML/CSS with bits of JS to make my portfolio website. The website has specific themed pages, making it a unique project.


GFX Projects

I have worked on alot of graphics work (including renders) using Adobe Photoshop as well as Maxon Cinema 4D.


Flutter World-time App

This app was developed during my learning process of flutter. The app has a functionality to select your desired city against its country as well as the background changes in accordance to day and night time.


Minecraft Servers

I love playing Mojang's Minecraft and have managed alot of its servers. Two of my main servers were, one which I deployed for public called Survival Grounds and another for my University as it also had alot of people who enjoyed playing the game.

  SurvivalGrounds Website